Entries by fangyu

【Notice】Course Credit Transfer for International Graduate New Students in Fall Semester 2023

Only applicable to credits received from courses completed before admission to TMU. Course credit transfer must be completed before the application deadline in the academic year of admission. Over-time application will not be accepted.  If Students wish apply for suspension in the academic year of admission, they must complete credit transfer before suspension. It will […]

【Important Notification】Period for Student Apply for Fall 2023 Degree Examination (Graduation Defense)

According to the TMU Calendar, from 9 am. Sep. 18th to 5 pm. Oct. 13th 2023 is the period for graduate student to apply Graduation Defense (Degree Examination). Student who already finished all the required credits and requirements, and agreed by the thesis advisor to defend the thesis on Fall 2023, please apply the graduation defense through the Academic & Student […]

[實體/線上演講公告On-site/On-line Speech Note]August 11th, 2023 (Fri.)10:10am-公共衛生特別演講Special Lecture in Public Health:Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Cancer in Japan

Dear all, Greetings to everyone. The College of Public Health will invite Prof. Yingsong Lin from Aichi Medical University to share a topic “Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Cancer in Japan.” The details of the lecture are as follows: ※ 講題Topic:「Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Cancer in Japan」 ※ 講者Speaker: Prof. Yingsong Lin ※ 日期Date: Aug. 11th, 2023(Fri.)10:10am-12:00pm ※ 地點 Venue : […]

【Important Notification】Information for Student Registration in Fall Semester of Academic year 2023.

I. Rules: Students are required to register and pay school fees during the registration period. Students who do not pay the fees on time must drop out according to the Taipei Medical University Academic Regulations. II. Period: From August 8th, 2023 to September 4th, 2023 III. Print the Bill on the system (1)Website : https://eschool.landbank.com.tw/index.aspx […]

【Seminar】2023 WASHU & TMU Symposium – Smart Health Data Analysis and Management

Date: (GMT+8):09:00 a.m.~15:30 p.m. July 04th, 2023 (Tue.) Venue:1801 Class Room, 8F. Teaching & Research Building, No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan Registration:https://forms.gle/QUsR9TiHbqMCHgYg6 WEBEX LINK:https://taipeimedicaluniversity-pyp.my.webex.com/taipeimedicaluniversity-pyp.my-tc/j.php?MTID=m65009ec496fa328411fd6b58fb52d4e1

【Campus Moving Announcement】College of Public Health will Relocate to Shuang-ho Campus from June 27

  Extension number for administrative staff Name of space Unit Job title Name Ext. No. Administrative Joint Office College of Public Health Manager Wen-Ling Ma (Pony) 16001 Secretary Shih Chieh Wang (Jessie) 16002 Project Assistant Yun-Pei Su (Maggie) 16003 School of Public Health Secretary Fang-Yu Li 16004 Master Program in Applied Epidemiology Secretary Yu-Chia Lin 16005 […]

【Important Notice】In order to enhance the safety of the Shuang-ho Campus, the elevators will implement floor access control using ID/student cards starting from July 1st, 2023.

Dear faculty and staff,   In order to enhance the safety of the Shuang-ho Campus, the elevators will implement floor access control using ID/student cards starting from July 1st, 2023. Control measures are as follows: A.Teaching and Research Building: (1) Elevators 1 and 2: Only available for hospital staff who reside on floors 14 to 17. (2) Elevators […]

【Important Notice】Reopening of the System for Filling in English Name

【Important Notice, Reopening of the System】 The Academic & Student Affairs Information System has now been reopened for the students who had not provided their English names before April 30th. Please submit your English names as soon as possible by June 11th to receive the degree certificate. The system will not be reopened again for late […]