臺北醫學大學學生 – 學士 Program Description

Graduates of the “Department of Public Health” at “Taipei Medical University” earn a SAS Academic Specialisation in “Applied Data Analysis,” recognizing the successful preparation of students to collect, manage and adequately analyze data in epidemiology, environmental science, and health policies in a world full of public health challenges. Graduates are proficient in using data that helps address issues in disease prevention, health promotion, environmental exposure, and climatic change. Graduates have also gained significant statistical practice, able to conceive and implement the application of models, complemented with skills in the use of different analytics tools to evaluate and analyze public health data.

申請對象 臺北醫學大學學生 – 學士
認證名稱 SAS Academic Specialisation in Applied Data Analysis
說明 欲申請 Tier 1 等級需於畢業前修過 00080304 生物統計學及實習 () (Biostatistics & practice (Ⅱ)),並通過以下三門課程且修業成績達 70 分以上者即可獲得此認證。
課程 00080253 應用統計學及實習_3學分 (Applied statistics & practice)

00080306 流行病學實習_1學分 (Practicum in epidemiology)

00080285 公共衛生實務_2學分 (Professional practice in public health)

臺北醫學大學學生 – 碩士 Program Description

Graduates of the “Department of Public Health” at “Taipei Medical University” earn a SAS Academic Specialisation in “Advanced Data Analysis,” recognizing the successful training of students to construct research design, manage and precisely analyze data in epidemiology, environmental science, and health policies in a world full of public health challenges. Graduates are proficient in interpreting data that helps address issues in disease prevention, health promotion, environmental exposure, and climatic change and respond to global public health needs. Graduates have also gained significant statistical implementation experiences, able to apply advanced statistical models in analyzing clinical, cross-sectional and longitudinal data, complemented with skills in the use of different analytics tools to analyze public health projects.

申請對象 臺北醫學大學學生 – 碩士
認證名稱 SAS Academic Specialisation in Advanced Data Analysis SAS Academic Specialisation in Data Science and Analytics
說明 欲申請 Tier 1 等級需修習以下三門課程且修業成績達 80 分以上者即可獲得此認證。 欲申請 Tier 2 等級需修習以下五門課程且修業成績達 80 分以上者即可獲得此認證。
課程 A0530007 應用生物統計學_2學分 (Applied biostatistics)

A0550001 臨床試驗研究設計_2學分 (Study design of clinical trial)

A0550002 資料處理與資料分析_2學分 (Data processing & data analysis)

30800152 環境資料分析_2學分 (Environmental data analysis)

A0530013 資料科學特論_2學分 (Special topics in data science) / 2024年2月起更名為 A0530015 應用迴歸分析_2學分 (Applied regression analysis)

A0550004 高等生物統計學_2學分 (Advanced biostatistics)

A055E010 多變項資料分析_2學分 (Analysis of multivariate data)


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